Excessive Cleaning Charges

Do you charge extra if a guest leaves the property in poor condition?

Yes, we do charge extra if the guest leaves the property in poor condition. The total charged for an excessive cleaning varies per case, but the standard rate is 50% of the guest departure fee. Charging a percentage rather than a flat fee considers the size of the property and makes sure we can pay our team extra for the cleaning.

What do you consider an excessive cleaning?

  • Excessive trash
  • Excessive dirty dishes
  • Bio-waste like blood, urine, or feces

Why isn't that included with the regular guest departure fee or deep clean fee?

An excessive cleaning extends beyond a normal guest departure clean or deep clean. As a result, it requires more time to get the property back to our standard and we often need to reassign a cleaning pro's remaining schedule for the day so we compensate them fairly to get your property back to the standard for guests to check in.

Does the cleaning pro or the company see the extra charge?

Both. The majority of the extra cleaning fee will always go to the cleaning pro, but a percentage is used to cover processing charges, and admin work. Our goal is to encourage our cleaning pro's to clean your property at the highest level, even when the property is left in poor condition. We can only do this by compensating them well when a property is in poor condition.

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